
Just Sum App

Just Sum App is a fun and easy way to learn to add for you and your kids.

How to play...EASY! just select 3 unique numbers to equal the sum. It great for everyone in the family, especially children learning to add. Download on any mobile device or play online. Get the app

Our app features

Cool feature #1

Easy to use, no training needed.

Cool feature #2

Setting for advance users, it is not only great for the kids but the whole family.

Cool feature #3

Come with multiple features so that kids and adults can execise there brain but yet enjoy the sharp colors and interactive sounds.


About Us


About Us

Just Sum App was developed to support the QuizKit.com community by Michael Bert. The simple application is extremely effective in developing A basic mathematical addition skill. I is esentials for kids to pick this skill up early in there life to successful in the educational carrier and beyond. Michael Bert has been developing educational tools from conception to delivery sicne 1996.

This Application was concieved, designed and developed by Michael Bert, assocaited with QuizKit.com, an educational solution where anyone can find, create or even sell quizzes associated to there tutoring profiles. Other games associated will be annouced so that

Our email: Info@JustSumApp.com

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